Articles in this category Why do cats purr? Cats purr for a variety of reasons, the most common being to express contentment and happiness. Purring is also thought to be a way for cats to communicate with humans and other cats and to create a s... How long do cats live? The average lifespan of a cat is between 10 and 20 years. Indoor cats tend to live longer than outdoor cats, and cats that are spayed or neutered tend to live longer than those that are not. Additiona... Why do cats knead? Cats knead as a way to show pleasure or comfort. It is believed that cats knead as a way to mark their territory by releasing pheromones from their paws. Kneading is also associated with the memory of... Why do cats sleep so much? Cats sleep a lot because they have an ancestral instinct to conserve energy for hunting [1]. Cats are wired as stalk-and-rush hunters, and so they need to sleep in order to restore their energy for hu... Is it possible to give a cat too much catnip? Yes, it is possible to give a cat too much catnip. If a cat is exposed to too much catnip, they may experience an upset stomach [1], vomiting, and hyperactivity. Additionally, catnip can lose its effe... Why do cats like boxes? Cats love boxes because they provide a feeling of safety and security [1]. Felines are natural predators, so they are instinctively drawn to enclosed spaces that provide a sense of protection and secu... Do females spray urine like males do? Yes, both male and female cats can spray urine as a way of marking their territory [1][2]. Unneutered male cats are most likely to spray, and they also have the strongest smelling urine [1]. Fe How often should I groom my cat? The frequency of grooming your cat depends on the breed, coat type, and time of year. Generally, cats with short hair should be groomed once a week, and cats with medium or long hair should be groomed...