Articles in this category My older dog seems to be having trouble getting around - what can I do? It is important to take your older dog to the vet to check for any medical issues that may be causing the difficulty in getting around. If there are no medical issues, then there are a few steps you c... Why does my dog eat grass? Dogs eat grass for a number of reasons [1], ranging from fiber cravings to stomach troubles [1]. It may also just be they like the way it tastes [1]. Additionally, som How do I train my dog? Training your dog is an important part of responsible pet ownership. To get the best results, use positive reinforcement techniques, such as praise and rewards, rather than punishment and coercion. Be... How do I introduce my dog to a new pet? When introducing your dog to a new pet, it's important to do so gradually and in a safe, controlled environment. Start by introducing them in a neutral area, where neither pet is likely to feel territ... How can I keep my dog safe? To keep your dog safe: You should always make sure to keep your dog on a leash in public places [1] Never allow your dog to wander off alone [1] Provide basic commands and obedience training What breed is my dog? To determine the breed of your dog, you can compare its physical traits to other breeds, take a dog breed identification quiz [1], or use a genetic testing kit to examine your dog's DNA. There may als...